Information for people coming from the Ukraine

Welcome to Bremen and Bremerhaven!
On this page we collect important information for Ukrainians in Bremen / Bremerhaven.
If you know of any important information, initiatives or contact points, please let us know so that we can add them!
You can send these information directly to
Thank you very much for your support!
You will also find further information on the subject on the websites of und
Frequently asked questions
Take good care of your documents! Only give your documents such as your passport or other identification papers to trustworthy people. For security reasons, take photos of your documents with your mobile phone and save these photos so that you can access them if you lose your documents. It is also best to email the photos to trusted people and yourself for security.
It is best to carry cash directly with you and keep a close eye on your luggage. If you have a credit card, remember the number in case you lose it.
If you arrive at a (private) accommodation and do not feel safe there, leave it and contact a counselling centre or a trusted person.
If you are approached by strangers in places such as initial accommodation centres or train stations and do not have a good feeling or do not feel safe, do not get involved with these people! There are many people who are happy to help refugees – but unfortunately there are also people who take advantage of the current situation.
Inform trusted people like friends or family about where you are. You can also agree on a code word to use if you are in danger and cannot speak freely.
Important emergency numbers:
OM hotline 0800 505 501, or
Help hotline for violence against women: 0800 116 016
Police: 110, ambulance: 112 -
Arrival and registration
On you will find important information about arriving in the state of Bremen.
When you arrive in the state of Bremen, you can stay with friends / your family or go to an initial reception center.
Please note: You have to be registered after your arrival if you want to stay in Bremen or Bremerhaven.
Registration in Bremen:
Please book an appointment for registration on this page.Registration in Bremerhaven:
Please send an email to [email protected] for an appointment. Please include the following information in the email: First name, last name, date of birth, if necessary, a copy of your identity document.Financial Support
Since 01.06.2022, refugees from Ukraine can apply for money (“basic security benefits”) from the Job Centre. In order to be able to apply for money, you must first register with the foreigners authority (Bremen / Bremerhaven).
The Job Centre will pay the costs you need to live (“securing your livelihood”) and arrange language courses, further qualifications and jobs.
If you have already received money from the Office for Social Services / Social Welfare Office before 01.06.2022, the office will contact you for an appointment.
Further information is available on the Job Centre’s website (Bremen / Bremerhaven).
Take your Ukrainian passport with you when you apply for financial support!
You can find places where you can get food and clothing at a reasonable price in the category “Everyday life” (Bremen / Bremerhaven).
If you need support with your pet, you can contact the Bremer Tiertafel:
Bremer Tiertafel
[email protected]
+49 1773335568
www.bremertiertafel.deThe Bremer Tiertafel can help you with food and pet supplies such as leashes and transport boxes. In addition, the Tiertafel will help you find a vet and may also help you with the costs.
Refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work in Germany. Before you are allowed to work, however, you need a permit from the Foreigners’ Registration Office.
Migration Office Bremen
+49 421 36188630
[email protected]Bürger- und Ordnungsamt/Abteilung für Migration und Einbürgerung (Bremerhaven)
+49 471 5903799
[email protected]Further information:
- faq
- Website of Agentur für Arbeit Bremen Bremerhaven
- Service hotline for initial information on finding work and training: 0911 1787915 (Mon.-Thu. 8.00- 16.00 and Fri. 8.00-13.00).
- Free counselling appointments for the recognition of your qualification:
In Bremen: 0421 36301954
In Bremerhaven: 0471 9839954
If you have school-age children, they can go to school in Bremen / Bremerhaven.
Registration for schools in Bremen at: [email protected]
Registration for schools in Bremerhaven:
Schulamt Bremerhaven
Hinrich-Schmalfeldt-Straße 40, 27576 Bremerhaven
Stadthaus 2, 1. Etage, Zimmer 163 und 164
[email protected]
+49 471 5902962If your child does not speak German yet, you can register him/her for “preparatory classes“(Bremen) or “welcome classes“(Bremerhaven) at school. There your child can gain first language skills and get to know the school in Bremen / Bremerhaven.
There is also a consultation hour for the preliminary courses where you can obtain information. Further information is available at
If your child has already graduated from school or was in vocational training in Ukraine, he/she can attend a vocational school.
Initial reception (“Erstaufnahme”) in Bremen:
At the initial reception in Bremen you can visit the medical consultation hours of the public health department.
Medical practices in Bremen and Bremerhaven
On the KVHB page you can find doctors and therapists who have offered their help to people from Ukraine.
At some doctor’s offices, Russian or Ukrainian is spoken.
On the page of the KZV you can find dentists who offer fast treatment for Ukrainian refugees:
In Bremen and Bremerhaven there are various counseling centers for people with disabilities.
- Beratung / Interessensvertretung für Menschen mit Behinderung – LAG
- Beratung für behinderte Menschen – Lebenshilfe Bremen
- Beratung / Treffpunkt für Menschen mit Behinderung – SelbstBestimmt Leben e.V.
- Beratung und Gruppen für blinde / sehbehinderte Menschen
- Beratung, Bildung, Freizeit und Gruppen für Gehörlose
- Beratung und Unterstützung für kleinwüchsige Menschen
- Angebote für Menschen mit Behinderung – Martinsclub Bremen
- Beratungsstelle für Menschen mit Behinderung, Angehörige und die von Behinderung bedrohten Menschen – EUTB Bremerhaven
- Rat und Hilfe bei Sehverlust – Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Nds. e.V. Regionalverein Elbe-Weser
- Behindertenlotse für die Verwaltung – Magistrat Bremerhaven, Amt für Menschen mit Behinderun
You can also find more information in the disability section on Welcome to Bremen and Welcome to Bremerhaven.
There are various offers for women and girls in Bremen and Bremerhaven. On and you will find many of them.
Pregnancy and Birth
If you have questions about pregnancy and birth, you can go to a counseling service in Bremen or Bremerhaven.
Help in case of violence
If you have been affected by violence, you can always contact the Hilfetelefon.
There are many counselling centres in Bremen and Bremerhaven that can help you. In the first period after your arrival, you can turn to the migration advice centres (“Migrationsberatung”) in Bremen and Bremerhaven with all your questions:
- Migrationsberatung AWO Bremen
- Migrationsberatung Caritas Bremen
- Migrationsberatung Caritas Bremen-Nord
You can find an overview of other counselling centres on our pages and
Information about Corona in the state of Bremen can be found on the</a website.
There are various ways to learn German. It is best to seek advice on this at a counseling center.
The Language Coordination Office can advise you on German courses in Bremen and Bremerhaven.
There are also many language cafés where you can improve your German.
The Goethe-Institut offers online German classes for beginners (A1-A2). The courses are for adults, teenagers and children.
There is a free ebook to learn German:
There are also numerous other offers for children and adults such as…
- Hilfskarten zum Deutschlernen für Grundschüler*innen von
- Bilderwörterbuch Deutsch-Ukrainisch von
- Online-Wörterbuch von Babada
- App für Echtzeit-Übersetzung. (Android und IOS)
You can also find more information in the catgeory “German courses” (Bremen und Bremerhaven).
There are many offers in Bremen and Bremerhaven that are open to new people from Ukraine. You can find many of them on Welcome to Bremen and Welcome to Bremerhaven
Offers in Bremen’s districts:
In some districts of Bremen there are “Ankommen im Quartier / Unterstützung im Quartier“counselling centres. You can go there if you want to know what offers are available in the district.
Free time:
There are many facilities that also offer free activities for refugees. It is best to ask the provider directly.- In Bremen’s public libraries, all refugees receive a free library card. With the card, you can borrow material in different languages for you and your children. Small groups can also book free introductions to get to know the place and everything it offers in an uncomplicated way.
You can find more offers on Welcome to Bremen and Welcome to Bremerhaven.
Further Support / Digital offers
- FAQ Ukraine Hilfen der Stadt Bremen
- FAQ Ukraine Hilfen der Stadt Bremerhaven
- Bundesweite Informationen: Informationsportal germany4ukraine
- Bundesweite Informationen: Informationsportal handbookgermany
- Online-course to get to know Germany: articulate
- free ebook to learn German
- If you do not speak German yet, a translation app can help you in daily life (Android and IOS)
(Digital) offers for children
- Online-classes for ukrainian childern for various class levels (Ukrainisches Kultusministerium)
- Online-classes of Ukrainehilfe Homeschooling
- Online-dictionary Babada
- Hilfskarten to learn German for children in primary school
- Pictorial dictionary German-Ukrainian
- Die Sendung mit der Maus (German children TV show) in Ukrainian
There are many ways to help.
Offer housing
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- Leitfaden der Caritas für die private Aufnahme von Geflüchteten
Donations & Support
- Ehrenamtliche in Bremerhaven: [email protected]
- Ukrainisch Wort für Wort – Ebook für 0,01 EURO
- German telephone counselling:
+49 800 111 0 111
+49 800 111 0 222
116 123 - Help-line Mutruf: 04191 2749280
- Information from the foreign office
- Start an deutschen Schulen erleichtern / Lernmaterial für Kinder