Welcome to Bremen.
We would like to help you with the most important steps and help you to arrive safely here in Bremen. The road is not always easy and in many situations it is not clear what to do. For these situations there are various information centres, which can be found on this website. This guide summarises the most important first steps and contact points:
1. Arriving
2. Medical help
3. German language classes
4. Housing
5. Work
If you fled from the Ukraine to Bremen / Bremerhaven, you will find information at

Is Bremen the first city in Germany you have arrived in? Then you must officially register in Bremen.
Do you want to apply for asylum in Germany? Then you must register as an asylum seeker. If you register as an asylum seeker, it will be checked whether you are allowed to stay in Germany for a longer period of time. You must apply for asylum if you want to stay in Germany. In Bremen, you can register as an asylum seeker with the police or here:
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (“Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge” – BAMF)
Lindenstraße 110
28755 Bremen
Migration Office (“Migrationsamt”)
Stresemannstraße 48
28207 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 36188630
Central Reception Centre (“Zentrale Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge (ZAST)“)
Lindenstraße 110
28755 Bremen
You can find more information on arrival and registration on the BAMF website.

Health Care
Once you have submitted a request for asylum at a reception centre (for example the ZAST – “Zentrale Aufnahmestelle”), you get an appointment for medical examination. In this medical examination vaccinations will be refreshed. Moreover, a doctor checks, whether you unknowingly suffer from tuberculosis. In case of health problems, pregnancies or a childbirth, refugees directly receive medical care. You get a replacement card from the ZAST, which is valid for three months until your stay in Bremen is clarified. Afterwards you get a health card.
In cases of emergency you can go to a doctor or into a hospital without a medical treatment certificate.
We have listed information and contact points regarding the subject health here.

German Courses
You live in Bremen and want to learn German quickly. That’s important to get to know new people, to communicate in everyday life, to find work or to educate yourself. Also children have to speak German to go to school.
There are a lot of possibilities to learn German. Here we present you a different institutions, where you can learn German. Please keep in mind, that you need a certificate of eligibility (“Berechtigungsschein”). Please contact the immigration authority (“Ausländerbehörde”) or the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (“Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge” – BAMF) to receive a “Berechtigungsschein”. Some of the language courses are connected with integration courses, which help you to integrate yourself into the society of Bremen.
Migration office (“Migrationsamt”)
Stresemannstraße 48
28207 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 36188630
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF))
Lindenstraße 110
28755 Bremen

If you are recognized as a refugee from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (“Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge” – BAMF), you have the possibility to leave your present accommodation and to move into an own apartment. You can move into an apartment on your own or together with your family. In doing so, a housing association like the BREBAU or the GEWOBA can support you. Of course, you can also move into a shared living arrangement (“Wohngemeinschaft” – WG). On the page “Flüchtlinge Willkommen” it is described, how you can find a shared living arrangement. On the page “WG-Gesucht”, you can look for a room in a shared living arrangement or place a request. In the case of questions or difficulties please contact appropriate counselling offices or the people, who work in your current accommodation.

If you want to work in Germany, you need a work permit (“Arbeitserlaubnis”). It is often necessary, that your professional qualifications, which you have acquired in your home country, are recognized in Germany. Moreover, you must have a good knowledge of the German language. On our website you can find offers in Bremen, which will help you to work in Germany. Especially the Central Information Point for Refugees (“Zentrale Anlaufstelle für Flüchtlinge” – ZAF) of the job centre Bremen will support you in finding a job.
Central Information Point for Refugees (“Zentrale Anlaufstelle für Flüchtlinge” – ZAF)
Utbremer Straße 90
28217 Bremen
Tel: +49 421 56600