Counseling at Caritas Bremen-Nord is designed for women, family and couples in emergency situations or conflicts before/during pregnancy and following the birth of their child.
Counseling services will cover:
- Information regarding services during pregnancy and assistance following birth
- Pregnancy counseling in conflict situations
- Support after childbirth
- Counseling following termination of pregnancy
- Psycho-social counseling
- Answering questions about social law
- Information about government assistance and implementation
- Receiving financial assistance through Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind (German Foundation for Mothers and Children)
Call and make an appointment:
+49 421 6607734
+49 421 6607734
Provider | Caritasverband Bremen e.V. |
Address | Gerhard-Rohlfs-Straße 17/18, Bremen |
Contact Person | Frau Henrike Antpöhler |
Phone | +49 421 6607734 | | |
Contact Person | Frau Petra Bringmann |
Phone | +49 421 6607738 | | |
Website |… |
Last checked: Aktuell in Bearbeitung |