You can buy cheap groceries at Nordbremer Lebensmittelhilfe e.V.. You pay a fixed montly rate and this allows you to collect groceries twice a week.
Those in receipt of certain social benefits are eligible to buy groceries at such low prices. Simply bring your notification / ID with you to the issue desk.
Please visit the provider’s website for further information.
Walk in during the opening times:
Collection point:
Monday to Friday, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Provider | Nordbremer Lebensmittelhilfe e.V. |
Address | Schwaneweder Str. 70, 28779 Bremen-Blumenthal |
Time | Collection point: |
Phone | +49 421 68458676 | | |
Website |… |
Last checked: 10.03.2025 |