ULE Umwelt-Lernwerkstatt (Educational Environment Workshop)

ULE Umwelt-Lernwerkstatt is a centre for environmental education in eastern Bremen. Kindergarten groups and school classes can get up close and personal with nature in the foundation’s park area, covered with old trees, on the meadow or by the water, under the guidance of environmental education professionals. Discover the different habitats (the forests, meadows and water habitats) all year round and take yourself on a voyage of discovery. ULE also organises afternoon events for private individuals and families, you can also celebrate children’s birthdays under the guidance of an environmental education specialist.

The Environmental Learning Mobile is available for courses outside the ULE. The vehicle, equipped with materials for exploring nature, allows us to deliver educational events about the environment directly at the respective school or in nearby green areas.

ULE Umwelt-Lernwerkstatt is a centre for environmental education in cooperation with Petri & Eichen Diakonische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Bremen gGmbH.




Visit the provider's website to learn more:
ProviderZentrum für Naturbegegnung Osterholz-Tenever
AddressStiftungsweg 4, 28325 Bremen
Phone+49 421 2775491
Last checked: 28.08.2023

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