Jugend in Walle (Young people in Walle)

“Jugend in Walle” is a co-operative project of the Office for Social Services Bremen/Walle and the socio-educational family and life support organisation Familien- und Lebenshilfe e.V., which provides an overview of current youth work offers and current events as well as meeting places in the Walle district. In addition to cultural and sports activities, “Jugend in Walle” also provides information about homework help, holiday programmes and an advisory service in Walle.


For more information, visit the provider's website:
ProviderAmt für Soziale Dienste Bremen/Walle, sozialpädagogische Familien- und Lebenshilfe e.V.
AddressWalle, Bremen
Contact PersonRamin Amir
Phone+49 176 21602096
Last checked: 15.11.2023

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